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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "赦", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "赦", and master the standard way of writing the character "赦".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 赦
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "赦" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
赦 [shè]
1. 免除和减轻刑罚。
- Pardon and mitigate penalties.
- 例:
- 赦书 (Pardon document)
- 赦令 (Pardon order)
- 赦免 (Exempt from punishment)
- 赦恕 (Pardon; forgive)
- 大赦 (General amnesty)
- 特赦 (Special pardon)
- 十恶不赦 (Serious crimes are unforgivable)
- 罪在不赦 (No pardon for offenses)
本义: 宽免罪过
- Original meaning: To remit sins.
1. 《说文》: 赦,置也。 (Pardon means to leave aside; it's not exclusive to criminal pardon.)
2. 《周礼·司刺》: 掌三刺三宥三赦之法。 (In charge of three stabbings, three pardonings, and three remissions.)
3. 《公羊传·昭公十八年》: 赦止者免止之罪辞也。 (A pardon ceases the implications of guilt.)
4. 《书·伪允征》: 先时者杀无赦。 (Those who acted first shall have no pardon.)
5. 《易·象卦》: 君子以赦过宥罪。 (A gentleman uses pardon and forgiveness for errors.)
6. 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》: 臣从其计,大王亦幸赦臣。 (I follow your plan, and your majesty kindly pardons me.)
- 赦书 (Document for pardoning penalties)
- 赦贷 (Remission of sins)
- 赦命 (Command of pardon)
- 赦释 (Release from guilt)
- 赦放 (Release from charges)
2. 宽容 ([En.] pardon)
- 例:
- 《论语·子路》: 先有司,赦小过,举贤才。 (Let the officials first pardon minor offenses and promote the worthy.)
名词: 姓
- Surname.