Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "蹂", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "蹂", and master the standard way of writing the character "蹂".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 蹂
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "蹂" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
蹂 [róu]
1. 搓揉。
Example: 《诗·大雅·生民》:“或舂或揄,或簸或蹂。” (Some pound, some toss, some sift, and some rub.)
2. 踐踏。
Trample on.
Example: 《广雅·释诂一》:“蹂,履也。” (Rou means to tread.)
3. 獸足踐踏地面。也作“禸”,“厹”。
The trampling of the ground by animal feet. Also written as "禸" and "厹".
Example: 《说文•禸部》:“禸,兽足蹂地也。” (Zhou refers to the animal foot trampling the ground.)
4. 獸跡。也作“厹”。
Animal tracks, also written as "厹".
Example: 《集韵•有韵》:“厹,兽跡。或作蹂。” (Zhou refers to animal tracks. Sometimes written as 蹂.)
5. 行疾。
Move quickly.
Example: 《广雅·释诂一》:“蹂,疾也。” (Rou means to be swift.)
【本义】: 践踏
Base meaning: Trample on
【造字法】: 形声。从足,柔声。
Character formation: Phono-semantic compound. It consists of the foot radical, with a soft sound.
同本义 ([En.] trample on)
1. Example: 《史记·项羽本纪》:“余骑相蹂践争项王。” (My cavalry tramples each other in competition for Xiang Wang.)
欺压、侵凌;侵袭 ([En.] make inroads on; aggression; bully)
1. Example: 戴良《李促宾像赞》:“蹂强翼弱,名四驰也。” (Trample on the strong and oppress the weak, that is to say the four horses gallop.)
揉擦。通“揉” ([En.] rub)
1. Example: 《诗·大雅·生民》:“或簸或蹂。” (Some sift and some rub.)