1. 䐨 (a type of meat). "㬵, 䐨也。" - "㬵 refers to 䐨."
2. 聲 (sound). "《字書》云:㬵,聲也。" - "According to the dictionary, 㬵 means sound."
3. 脛骨 (shinbone). "㬵,脛骨也。" - "㬵 refers to the shinbone."
4. 同“交” (same as "cross"). 相交,指日月交道 (to intersect, referring to the way the sun and moon cross). "㬵,與日月交道之交同。與从肉者不同。" - "㬵 has the same crossing as the way of the sun and moon; it is different from the meat-related meaning."