1. Pain; severe suffering.
- 痛;惨痛。
- In the "Guangyun", it is defined as pain: “㿊,痛也。” In the "Book of Han", it references severe suffering: “又以掖庭獄大為亂阱,榜箠㿊於炮格,絶滅人命。” Yan Shigu’s notes confirm that “㿊,痛也。” In "Sui Shu", it describes venomous stings causing pain: “竊以毒螫㿊膚,則申旦不寐。” In a work by Qing Li E, it refers to deep sorrow: “㿊烈悲愁,已見摩䈂有石。” It also refers to painful illness: “㿊,痛疾。”
2. Same as "憯".
- 同“憯”。
- In the "Jiyun", it states: “憯,《説文》:‘痛也。’一曰憎也。” It may also be analyzed from the perspective of illness.