Definition of 「䆕」:
1. 穿;通。
- To pierce; to communicate.
2. 穷;极。北周衛元嵩。
- Extreme; utmost. (From a text by Wei Yuansong of Northern Zhou.)
3. 孔;洞。也作“ 䏐 ”。
- Hole; cave. It can also be written as "䏐".
4. 穿;通。《説文•穴部》:“䆕,穿也。”
- To pierce; to communicate. (From "Shuowen Jiezi, Section on Caves": "䆕 means to pierce.")
5. 穷;极。北周衛元嵩《元包經•孟陰》:“臸垠䆕幽。”
- Extreme; utmost. (From a text by Wei Yuansong in "Yuan Baojing, Mengyin": "The vast and extreme is deep.")
6. 孔;洞。也作“ 䏐 ”。《廣雅•釋詁三》:“䆕,空也。”
- Hole; cave. It can also be written as "䏐". (From "Guangya, Section on Etymology Three": "䆕 means empty.")
7. 同“ 䆷 。孔穴貌。
- Same as "䆷". Refers to a hole or cavity.
8. 同“ 䦑 ”。无门户。也作“ 䆢 ”。
- Same as "䦑". Without a door or opening. It can also be written as "䆢".
9. 同“ 䆷 。孔穴貌。《集韻•屑韻》:“䆷,《説文》:‘空皃。’或从夬。”
- Same as "䆷". Refers to a hole or cavity. (From "Jiyun, Section on Xie Sounds": "䆷, from 'Shuowen': 'means empty' or derives from 'ghai'.")
10. 同“ 䦑 ”。无门户。也作“ 䆢 ”。《玉篇•穴部》:“䆕,或為䦑。”《龍龕手鑑•穴部》:“䆢,或作;䆕,今。無門户也。”
- Same as "䦑". Without a door or opening. It can also be written as "䆢". (From "Yupian, Section on Caves": "䆕 may be referred as 䦑." From "Longkan Shoujian, Section on Caves": "䆢 may be the alternative; 䆕 is now. Without doors or openings.")