1. 青丝或麻制作的鞋。
- Shoes made of blue silk or hemp.
2. 青丝或麻制作的鞋。《方言》卷四:“絲作之者謂之履,麻作之者謂之不借,粗者謂之履……西南梁、益之間或謂之

- Shoes made of blue silk or hemp. In the dialect, it is noted in Volume Four: "Those made of silk are called 'lǚ', those made of hemp are called 'bùjiè', the coarse ones are referred to as 'lǚ'… Between the Southwest Liang and Yì, some refer to them as

, while others call them 䋀. 'Lǚ' is the common term."
3. 古代用青丝或麻制成的鞋。
- Shoes made of blue silk or hemp in ancient times.