Definition of 「䏟」:
1. 肥肉。
Fatty meat.
2. 肥肉。《説文•肉部》:“䏟,肥肉也。”
Fatty meat. "䏟 means fatty meat." (from "Shuowen Jiezi", section on meat)
3. 〔䏟肸〕同“胇肸”。大貌。
〔䏟肸〕 same as “胇肸”. Large appearance.
4. 〔䏟肸〕同“胇肸”。大貌。《集韻•質韻》:“胇,胇肸,大皃。或从必。”
〔䏟肸〕 same as “胇肸”. Large appearance. "胇 means 胇肸, large appearance. Or derived from '必'." (from "Jiyun", section on quality sounds)
5. ①同【胇】。
① same as 【胇】.
6. 化学用字,指氢化铋(BiH3)。
A chemical term referring to hydride of bismuth (BiH3).