Definition of 「䚰」:
1. Same as “䚹”. Refers to the word "具" (which means tools or instruments).
同“ 䚹 ”。言具。
2. Same as “䚹”. Refers to the word "具". "集韻•紙韻” states: “䚹, meaning tools. Sometimes abbreviated.”
同“ 䚹 ”。言具。《集韻•紙韻》:“䚹,言具也。或省。”
3. Same as “訛” (which means 'to mispronounce' or 'to alter').
同“ 訛 ”。
4. Same as “訛”. "正字通•言部” states: “䚰 is an abbreviation of the character 訛.”
同“ 訛 ”。《正字通•言部》:“䚰,訛字省文。”