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䛩 Stroke Order

Information of 䛩

15 strokes
Definition of 「䛩」: 1. To speak ill of someone. 说人坏话。 Source: 《説文•言部》中:“䛩,相毁也。” Volume 2 of 《玉篇•言部》 states: “䛩,《説文》:‘相毁也。’野王案:《左氏傳》‘兩相䛩’是也。” In the seventh volume of 《月燈三昧經》: “He is not tainted by lust for women, nor does he follow her, should abandon this thought; the thought of women is very worthy of criticism (反: 烏故)。” 2. Synonymous with "惡." To detest. 同“惡”。厌恶。 Source: 《説文•言部》 states: “䛩,畏䛩。” Duan Yucai annotates: “Also similar to the evil described in the character "惡."” The version in 《玉篇•言部》 states: “䛩,《説文》又曰:一云畏䛩也。” The reference from the "Book of Rites" quotes Confucius: “Just as one detests foul odors, a gentleman abhors the ominous practices of performers.” In 《集韻•莫韻》, it mentions: “惡,恥也,憎也。或作䛩。” 3. [䛩訝] Speech that is incorrect. 〔䛩訝〕言不正。 Source: 《集韻•禡韻》: “䛩,䛩訝,言不正。” 4. Synonymous with "啞." To laugh. 同“啞”。笑。 Source: 《集韻•陌韻》: “啞,笑也。或从言。”
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