Meaning of 「䪔」:
1. 车下䪔。
Underneath a vehicle.
2. 内裤。
In "Yupian" (玉篇) under the "Wei" section, it states: "䪔 refers to vehicle’s undergarment." In "Guangyun" (廣韻) under the "Mi" rhyme, it says: "䪔, which is also referred to as 'buttocks clothing'." There is a reference to "Jiyun" (集韻) under the "Yu" rhyme: "䪔, it is also...."
Furthermore, Qing Dynasty's Duan Yucai, in his annotations to "Shuowen Jiezi" comments on the 'Weib' section: “In the historical records, 'Yin, foot clothing' and 'Zhi, leg clothing' are differentiated with specific references to buttocks clothing, which is also referred to as the middle skirt in texts such as "Shi", "Han", and "Wanshijun Zhuan". Meanwhile, "Guangyun" under "Jiumi" states: "䪔, buttocks clothing." While "Jiyun" states: "䪔, it is also..." and connects it to a similar term in context.