Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "剮", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "剮", and master the standard way of writing the character "剮".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 剮
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "剮" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. To cut flesh away from bone.
例: 《玉篇•刀部》:“剮,剔肉值〔置〕骨也。”
Example: "Cutting flesh means removing it to the bone."
2. An ancient cruel punishment where a person is slowly cut to death, also known as “lingchi.”
例: 宋佚名《朝野遺記•忠勇》:“粘罕怒遣重兵合攻之,遂擒(石)頳,釘於車上,將剮之。”
Example: "In anger, he sent a heavy force to attack and captured him, nailing him to the cart to be cut."
例: 《古今小説•沈小官一鳥害七命》:“張公謀財故殺,屈害平人,依律處斬,加罪凌遲,剮割二舌四十刀,分屍五段。”
Example: "Zhang killed for greed, harming innocent people, and according to the law, received a sentence of execution along with the crime of lingchi, which involved cutting off his tongue, slicing forty times, and dismemberment into five parts."
例: 《紅樓夢》第六十八回:“俗語説:‘拚着一身剮,敢把皇帝拉下馬。’”
Example: "As the saying goes, 'Risking one's life to be cut, dare to pull the emperor down from his horse.'"