1. 陷坑。
- Pit or hole.
2. 陷坑。《改併四聲篇海•土部》引《龍龕手鑑》:“坓,坑坓也。”按:“㘫”、“坓”当为“阱”的异体字。
- Pit or hole. Referenced in the "Revised Compilation of the Four Tone Collection - Soil Section," citing "Dragon Cave Hand Mirror": “坓, a pit.” Note: “㘫” and “坓” are variant characters of “阱” (pit or well).
3. 同“型”。
- Same as "型" (model or type).
4. 同“型”。《正字通•土部》:“坓,古文

- Same as "型" (model or type). Referenced in "Standard Characters - Soil Section": “坓 is an ancient form of (型). See 'The Six Principles'.”