1. Same as "仙" (xian - immortal).
2. Same as "仙". "集韻•㒨韻" states: "屳, residing in the mountains." "字彙•山部" notes: "屳, is equivalent to the character for '仙'."
3. (Noun) (Ideogram. Originally written as "僊". The right side means a person climbing to a high place to obtain a bird's nest; combined with the "person" radical, it represents a person elevating to become an immortal. Written in clerical script as "仙", indicating that immortals often reside in high places. Primary meaning: Immortal.)
4. Same original meaning: "僊", signifies the migration to long life. — "说文"
5. Same as "仙".
6. A geographical term for a relatively high ground near a pit.
7. Same as "仙".
8. A geographical term for a relatively high ground near a pit: 黄泥—(in the Hengshi Commune of Nankang County, Jiangxi Province).
9. Located in the 26th area of "Information Exchange Used Chinese Character Encoding Character Set, Eighth Auxiliary Collection," character number 40.