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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "幣", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "幣", and master the standard way of writing the character "幣".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 幣
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "幣" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 帛。泛指車馬皮帛玉器等禮物。
(Silk. Generally refers to gifts such as horses, carriages, leather, silk, and jade.)
2. 財物。
3. 貨幣。
(Currency, money.)
4. 贈送。
(To present.)
5. 通“敝”。殘餘。
(Also pronounced as "bì", meaning old, shabby; remnants.)
本义: 古人用作禮物的絲織品
(Original meaning: A silk fabric used as a gift by ancient people.)
造字法: 形聲。从巾,敝聲。从巾表示與布帛有關。
(Character formation: A phonetic compound. The component “巾” indicates it is related to fabric.)
同本義 ([En.] silks)
1. 《說文》:幣,帛也。
2. 《周禮·大宰》:四曰幣貢。 司農注:“繡帛。”
3. 《禮記·曲禮》:幣曰量幣。
4. 《禮記·月令》:用圭璧更皮幣。
5. 《孟子》:事之以皮幣。
6. 《左傳·襄公二十八年》:寡君是故使吉(遊吉)奉其皮幣。
7. 《戰國策·齊策三》:請具車馬皮幣。
例: 又如:皮幣(獸皮和繒布);幣玉(帛和玉,祭祀用品);幣號(祭祀用的物品名稱);幣獻(進獻的禮品)
(Example: Such as "皮幣" (animal skin and silk); "幣玉" (silk and jade used in sacrifices); "幣號" (the name of sacrificial items); "幣獻" (gifts presented).)
泛指財物 ([En.] property; belongings)
1. 《管子·國蓄》:以珠玉爲上幣,以黃金爲中幣,以刀布爲下幣。
貨幣,錢 ([En.] coin; money; currency)
1. 《漢書·武帝紀》:有司以幣輕多奸。
例: 又如:金幣,銀幣;外幣;紙幣;硬幣
(Example: Such as gold coins, silver coins; foreign currency; paper money; coins.)
贈送 ([En.] present)
例: 如:幣儀(敬獻禮品);幣器(贈給喪家奠儀與隨葬品)
(Example: Such as "幣儀" (respectfully presenting gifts); "幣器" (gifts for the bereaved and burial supplies).)
通“敝”。破舊;棄;敗壞 ([En.] old and shabby; worn-out; dilapidated)
1. 《國語·魯語上》:不腆先君之幣器。