惔 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 惔
Stroke Order Diagrams for 惔
Information of 惔
1. Fire burning.
- 火烧。
- "Worried to the point of burning." (“忧心如~。”)
2. Verb: To scorch.
- 动词 灼烧。《诗经.大雅.云汉》:「旱魃为虐,如惔如焚。」
- Verb: To scorch. In the Book of Songs, "The drought demon wreaks havoc, burning fiercely."
3. Calm and aloof.
- 淡泊。
- "If one is calm and simple, worries cannot penetrate." (“平易恬~,则忧患不能入。”)
4. Hate.
- 恨。