慤 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 慤
Stroke Order Diagrams for 慤
Information of 慤
1. See “悫” (kuò).
2. [Adjective] Respectful and prudent. “悫” means cautious and careful. —《说文》. To be gracious and respectful. —《荀子·非十二子》.
For example:
- 慤素 (kuò sù) - Respectful, simple and honest.
- 慤讷 (kuò nè) - Cautious and reticent.
- Honest and sincere; simple.
"To speak of the ancient traditions, eloquent yet not careless." —《韩非子·外储说左上》.
"High words yet prudent." —《荀子·非十二子》.
"Men are respectful while women are virtuous." —《孔子家语·王言解第三》.