1. Pride; to hold a sense of superiority. In ancient times, it was the same as the word for "arrogant" (骄).
1. 持矜;古同骄傲的“骄”。
2. High-spirited demeanor; an air of superiority.
2. 气宇高仰:"方虚~而恃气。"
Adjective: Arrogant. Example from ancient texts: "憍,矜也。" (from 集韵, Ping Sheng, Xiao Yun) and "数战则民罢,数胜则主憍。" (from 淮南子, 道应).
- 形容词:骄傲
Adjective: Indulgent; wanton. Example from ancient texts: "憍,恣也。" (from 广韵, Ping Sheng, Xiao Yun) and "外戚憍逸,宾客放滥。" (from 后汉书, 卷二六, 蔡茂传).
- 形容词:恣意、放纵
Another pronunciation of the first meaning is mentioned above.
- 上述[一]的另一种读音。