扞 [hàn]
1. 保护;保卫。后作“捍”。
Protect; defend. Later written as "捍".
2. 抵御;抵挡。后作“捍”。
Resist; withstand. Later written as "捍".
3. 抵制;抗拒。
Resist; oppose.
4. 触犯;违犯。
Offend; violate.
5. 阻止。
Prevent; stop.
6. 遮蔽。
Obscure; shield.
7. 臂衣。古代射者所著的一种皮袖套。
Arm sleeve. A type of leather sleeve worn by archers in ancient times.
8. 同“銲(釬)”。戈矛柄下端圆锥形的金属套,可以插入地中。
Same as "銲" (釬). A conical metal sleeve at the end of a spear or weapon handle, which can be inserted into the ground.
9. 勇猛;驃悍。后作“悍”。
Brave; fierce. Later written as "悍".
1. 保护;保卫。后作“捍”。《书•文侯之命》:“汝多修,扞我于艰。”
Protect; defend. Later written as "捍". (Book of Documents, Command of Wenhou)
2. 抵御;抵挡。后作“捍”。《国语•鲁语上》:“能扞大患则祀之。”
Resist; withstand. Later written as "捍". (The Annals of Lu)
3. 抵制;抗拒。《礼记•学记》:“发然后禁,则扞格而不胜。”
Resist; oppose. (Book of Rites, Record of Learning)
4. 触犯;违犯。《荀子•强国》:“白刃扞乎胸,则目不见流矢。”
Offend; violate. (Xunzi, Strengthening the Nation)
5. 阻止。《左传•桓公十二年》:“楚伐绞,军其南门。莫敖屈瑕曰:‘绞小而轻,轻则少谋,请无扞栅樵者以诱之。’”
Prevent; stop. (Zuo Tradition, Year Twelve of Huan Gong)
6. 遮蔽。《后汉书•宦者传•孙程》:“程等留守省门,遮扞内外。”
Obscure; shield. (Book of the Later Han, Biographies of the Eunuchs)
7. 臂衣。古代射者所著的一种皮袖套。《韩非子•说林下》:“羿执鞅(玦)持扞。”
Arm sleeve. A type of leather sleeve worn by archers in ancient times. (Han Feizi, Discourse on Forest and Woods)
8. 同“銲(釬)”。戈矛柄下端圆锥形的金属套,可以插入地中。《战国策•赵策一》:“(豫让)刃其扞,曰:‘欲为知伯报仇!’”
Same as "銲" (釬). (Strategies of the Warring States)
9. 勇猛;驃悍。后作“悍”。《孔子家语•致思》:“懔懔焉若持腐索之扞马。”
Brave; fierce. Later written as "悍". (The Analects of Confucius)
1. 同“擀”。碾压;辗轧。
Same as "擀". To crush; to roll.
1. 同“擀”。碾压;辗轧。《集韵•旱韵》:“擀,以手伸物。或省。”
Same as "擀". To crush; to roll. (Jiyun, Rhyme of Dryness)