抔 [póu]
1. 用手捧东西。
To hold something in one's hands.
例如: 抔饮(双手捧水而饮)。
For example: pou yin (to drink water cupped in both hands).
2. 量词,指土、沙一类的东西。
A measure word for things like soil or sand.
例如: 一~土。
For example: one [póu] of soil.
本义: 用手捧
Main meaning: To hold with hands.
造字法: 本作“捊”。形声。从手,不声。
Character formation: Originally written as "捊". Phono-semantic compound, with "hand" as the semantic component and no phonetic component.
From "The Book of Rites": Dirtied the vessel and drank with cupped hands. Note: "To scoop with hands."
又如: 抔饮 (以手掬水而饮); 抔土 (抓土; 一捧之土。极言甚少)
For example: pou yin (to drink with cupped hands); pou tu (to grab soil; a handful of soil, meaning very little).
Measure word: Equivalent to "cupping," "holding," "grasping."
1. 《史记·张释之冯唐列传》:假令愚民取长陵一抔土,陛下何以加其法乎?
From "Records of the Grand Historian": Suppose the ignorant people take a handful of soil from Changling, what would Your Majesty add to the law?
2. 黄花冈上一抔土。—— 孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略》序
On Huanghua Hill, a handful of soil. — Sun Yat-sen, Preface to "The Brief History of the Seventy-Two Martyrs of Huanghua Hill."
又如: 一抔米
For example: one handful of rice.