掆 [gāng]
1. Same as "扛". To lift; to raise.
2. To support; to withstand.
掆 [gāng]
1. Same as "扛". To lift; to raise. "玉篇•手部": “掆, 舉.”
2. To support. "西遊記" Chapter 56: “獃子慌了,往山坡下築了有三尺深,下面都是石脚石根,掆住鈀齒.”
掆 [gāng]
1. To lift. Commonly used as "扛" (of two or more people) carry together.
2. To support; to withstand.
掆 [gāng]
1. To lift. Commonly used as "扛" (of two or more people) carry together.
Reference: "南史·齐纪下": "疾患困笃者,悉掆移之."
2. To support; to withstand.
Reference: "西游记": "呆子慌了,往山坡下筑了有三尺深,下面都是石脚石根,掆住钯齿."
1. 扛, to lift; to raise.
1. 扛, to lift. "廣韻•宕韻": “掆, 捎掆, 舁也. 出《字林》.”