搉 [què]
1. 同“榷”。
(Same as "榷".)
1. 敲击 ([En.] knock)
1. "说文": 搉, 敲击也。从手,隺声。
("Shuowen": 搉 means to knock. It comes from 'hand' and 'muffled sound'.)
2. "汉书·五行志": 搉其眼以为人彘。
("Hanshu: he knocked out his eyes to make him a pig.")
3. "广雅·释诂三": 搉击也。
("Guangya: 搉 means to knock.")
4. "汉书": 先是高后鸩杀如意,支断其母戚夫人手足,搉其眼,以为人彘。 注: “搉,谓敲击去其精也。”
("Hanshu: Earlier, Go killed Ruyi, cut off the hands and feet of his mother, Lady Qi, and knocked out his eyes to make him a pig. Note: '搉 means to knock and remove the essence.'")
2. 研讨。也作“榷” ([En.] study)
1. "文选·左思·吴都赋": 商搉万俗。
("Wenxuan: merchants discuss the common people.")
2. "汉书·陈成传": 没入辜榷财物。
("Hanshu: the wealth was confiscated.")
3. "汉书·翟方进传": 多辜榷为奸利者。
("Hanshu: many confiscate for illicit gains.")
又如: 搉扬 (商量讨论)
(For example: 搉扬 - to discuss.)
3. 专;专卖 ([En.] monopolize)
1. 搉,专也。——《后汉书·灵帝纪》注
(搉 means exclusive. — "Houhanshu: a note on Lingdi.")
2. 搉者,独也。——《史记·没郑传》索隐
(搉 means alone. — "Shiji: a note on the end of Zheng.")
3. "汉书·武帝纪": 榷酒酤。
("Hanshu: monopolize wine sales.")
又如: 搉利 (官府对某些物品实行专卖以获利)
搉沽 (专卖)
搉油 (官府专利卖油)
搉茶 (官府对茶叶的专卖)
搉商 (货物专卖)
搉酤 (官府专利卖酒)
搉管 (主管专卖)
4. 较量 ([En.] have a contest)
1. "汉书·王莽传": 豪吏猾民,辜而搉之。
("Hanshu: the officials were cunning and the people suffered, leading to a contest between them.")
又如: 搉量 (较量)
(For example: 搉量 - to have a contest.)