撧 [juē]
1. 古同“绝”,折断;断绝。
(Ancient meaning: same as “绝”, to snap; to sever.)
2. 抓。
(To scratch: e.g., to scratch one’s ears and chins.)
1. 元·佚名《盆儿鬼》:我待撧枝在头上插。
(Yuan Dynasty, Anonymous, "盆儿鬼": I intended to snap a branch to insert it on my head.)
2. 金·董解元《西厢记诸宫调》:检秦晋传检不着,翻寻着吴越,把耳朵撧。
(Jin Dynasty, Dong Jie Yuan, "西厢记诸宫调": While searching for the Qianjin story and found nothing, I scratched my ears while turning to look for Wu Yue.)