敩 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 敩
Stroke Order Diagrams for 敩
Information of 敩
1. Teach; to instruct.
2. To imitate; to follow.
1. 教导:“惟~学半。” (“Only by teaching can one learn halfway.”)
2. 效法:“卢每致书疏,凡一事别为一幅,朝士至今~之。” (“Lu [refers to a person] writes letters and drafts, each matter as a separate document, which the court officials still imitate today.”)
斅、斆 xiào
Type: Verb (动)
1. 教导,使觉悟。后作“教” ([En.] teach)
2. 学;效法。后作“学” ([En.] study)
3. Also see xué.
1. 教导,使觉悟。后作“教” ([En.] teach)
- 引:
1. 《说文》: 敩,觉悟也。
2. 《书·说命下》: 惟敩学半。传: “敩,教也。”
3. 《书·盘庚上》: 盘庚敩于民。
- 例: 敩学相长(教与学相互促进)。
2. 学;效法。后作“学” ([En.] study)
- 引:
1. 《隶释》: 恬虚守约,五十以敩。
- 例: 敩颦(同“效颦”)。
3. 另见 xué.
1. 古同“学”。
1. 古同“学”: “为~者宗。”
Teaching leads to enlightenment. Later written as “教.” 敩,觉悟也。—《说文》。惟敩学半。—《书·说命下》。传: “敩,教也。”
Examples: 敩学相长 (teaching and learning promote each other).