杻 [chǒu]
1. A type of tree mentioned in ancient texts.
- 山有栲, 隰有杻。——《诗·唐风·山有枢》。朱熹集传:“Leaves similar to apricots and sharp, white color, skin bright red, its grain mostly curved and slightly straight, the material can be used for bows and crossbows.”
- 杻, 檍。——《尔雅》。注:“Called 杻子 in the western regions, also known as土橿.”
- 其上多杻。——《西山径·英山》
2. An ancient instrument of torture, similar to handcuffs.
- Example: 杻械 (handcuffs and shackles); 杻锁 (handcuffs and neck shackles).
3. See also niǔ.