櫶 [xiǎn]
1. 〔~木〕即蚬木,一种常绿乔木,木材坚实,可供建筑和造船用。
English: 1. (~wood) refers to the xian wood, a type of evergreen tree whose timber is solid and can be used for construction and shipbuilding.
櫶 [xiǎn]
名: 櫶木,即蚬木 (English: a kind of tree)。椴树科,常绿乔木,叶呈椭圆卵形,花白色,木材坚实细致,是一种珍贵用材树种。
English: (noun) Xian wood, which is xian wood (English: a kind of tree). It belongs to the Tilia family, is an evergreen tree, with oval-shaped leaves, white flowers, and solid, fine-grained timber, making it a valuable material tree species.