歠 [chuò]
1. 饮;喝。 (drink)
- 例句:何不餔其糟而~其酾?(Why not eat the dregs and drink the liquor?)
2. 指羹汤之类。 (refers to soup)
- 相关引文:
1. 《说文》:歠,饮也。 (Shuo Wen: Chuo means to drink.)
2. 《广韵》:歠,大饮。 (Guang Yun: Chuo means to drink heavily.)
3. 《楚辞·渔父》:众人皆醉,何不餔其糟而歠其酾。 (In Chuci: Everyone is drunk, why not eat the dregs and drink the liquor?)
- 例子:歠醨 (to drink thin wine, suggestive of going with the flow); 歠菽饮水 (to drink bean porridge and plain water, indicative of a hard life.)
3. 指羹汤 (refers to soup)
- 相关引文:
1. 于是酒酣乐,进取热歠,厨人进斟羹,因反斗而击之,代王脑涂地。——《战国策》 (So, with the wine flowing, the cook served the hot soup, while in a heated moment, the king’s brain was splattered on the ground.)