1. 雜色牛,引申為雜色。
(Brindled ox, extended to mean mixed colors.)
2. 特出,明顯。
(Outstanding; obvious.)
1. 雜色牛,引申為雜色:怒~(狂怒的雜色牛)。駁~。
(Brindled ox, extended to mean mixed colors: angry ~ (a furious brindled ox). Mixed ~.)
2. 特出,明顯:卓~(特出)。~~(分明,明顯,如“~~大端”)
(Outstanding; obvious:卓 ~ (outstanding). ~ ~ (clear; obvious, as in "~~ a significant point").)
本义: 雜色的牛
(Original meaning: brindled ox.)
造字法: 形聲。从牛,勞省聲。
(Construction method: Phonetic-ideographic. From "cow," with the sound of "劳" omitted.)
1. 同本義 ([En.] brindled ox)
(Same original meaning: [En.] brindled ox.)
2. 古地名 ([En.] Luo town)。在今河南省淮陽縣西北
(Ancient place name: [En.] Luo town, located in the northwest of present-day Huaiyang County, Henan Province.)
形: 明顯,分明 (【英】:salient)
(Adjective: obvious, clear.)
《史記·天官書》:此其犖犖大者。 索隱:“事之分明也。”
(From "Records of the Grand Historian, Book of Celestial Offices": this is obviously great. Suo Yin: "The matter is clear.")
例如: 犖然(明顯的樣子)
(For example:犖然 (in an obvious manner).)