狷 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 狷
Stroke Order Diagrams for 狷
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 狷
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 狷
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "狷" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "狷" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 狷
timid / cautious
狷 (獧 juàn)
1. 胸襟狭窄,性情急躁。
- (Narrow-minded, impetuous in nature.)
2. 洁身自好,性情耿直。
- (Maintaining one's purity and uprightness, straightforward in temperament.)
3. 拘谨无为。引申为孤洁。与“狂”相对。
- (Overcautious, implying a solitary purity, in contrast to "wildness".)
4. 偏急。
- (Impetuous.)
5. 耿直;固执。
- (Upright; obstinate.)
Examples in context:
1. 狷急。狷狭。
- (Impetuous, narrow-minded.)
2. 狷介。狷傲。
- (Pure and proud.)
3. 引用自《论语·子路》:狂者进取,狷者有所不为也。
- (As mentioned in "The Analects": The wild pursue progress, while the cautious have their limits.)
4. 狷洁 (清介,洁身自守); 狷行 (犹洁身); 狷独 (洁身独处); 狷狷 (洁身守志貌)。
- (Pure and preserved; upholding one's integrity; choosing solitude; maintaining one's aspirations.)
5. 狷忿 (急躁易怒); 狷愤 (偏急愤懑); 狷戾 (偏急暴戾); 狷察 (偏急苛察);
- (Impetuous anger; irritable resentment; fierce and quick-tempered.)
6. 狷固 (拘泥固执); 狷直 (耿直); 狷刚 (固执刚直); 狷激 (狷介偏激)。
- (Stubbornly obstinate; upright; persistently firm; volatile in righteousness.)