玠 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 玠
Stroke Order Diagrams for 玠
Information of 玠
拼音: [jiè]
词性: 名
1. 大的圭 ([En.] big tablet of jade)
1. 《说文》:大圭也。从玉,介声。按,天子之镇圭,诸侯之命圭也。
([En. "Shuowen Jiezi": It is a large gui. It is composed of jade and has the sound "jie." It indicates the royal ceremonial jade for the emperor and the command jade for the feudal lords.])
2. 《尔雅》:圭六尺二寸谓之玠。
([En. "Erya": The guis measuring six feet two inches are called 玠.])
3. 《书·顾命》:太保承玠圭。
([En. "Shuji": The Grand Guardian bears the ceremonial jade 玠.])
又如: 玠圭(大圭)
([En. For example: 玠圭 (big tablet of jade)])