痎 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 痎
Stroke Order Diagrams for 痎
Information of 痎
痎 [jiē]
1. 二日一发的疟疾。
Tertian malaria, a type of intermittent fever occurring every other day.
Example: 夏伤于暑,秋为痎疟。
(In summer, heat can cause harm; in autumn, it becomes tertian malaria.)
2. 二日一次的。
Referring to something that occurs every two days.
Example: 痎市(二日一次的集市)。
(Tertian market, a market held every other day.)
痎 (名)
隔日发作的疟疾。引申指两日一次之事 (English: tertian malaria).
如: 痎疟 (general term for malaria and also refers to chronic malaria); 痎痁 (refers broadly to malaria and its attacks); 痎市 (a market held every other day).