矱 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 矱
Stroke Order Diagrams for 矱
Information of 矱
矱 [yuē]
1. 尺度。
Scale; yardstick; law.
2. 名词,尺度、标准。
Noun, scale, standard.
- 例句: 《楚辞.屈原.离骚》:「勉陞降以上下兮,求矩矱之所同。」
Example: "Effort to rise and fall above and below, seeking the common measure of the scale."
- 例句: 《后汉书.卷五二.崔駰传》:「协准矱之贞度兮,同断金之玄策。」
Example: "Collaboratively adhering to the standard, jointly evaluating the intricate strategies."
3. 另一个读音。
Another pronunciation of the above.