矼 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 矼
Stroke Order Diagrams for 矼
Information of 矼
矼 [gāng]
(English: Stone bridge)
Example: “登村度石~。” (Translation: "Crossing the stone bridge to the village.")
2. 坚实。
(English: Solid)
3. 被坚硬的东西碰伤。
(English: To be hurt by hard objects.)
4. 诚实的样子。
(English: Appearance of honesty.)
Example: 《庄子.人间世》:「且德厚信矼,未达人气。」
(Translation: "Having thick virtue and faith is the way to be human.")
5. 诚实。
(English: Honesty.)
Example: “且德厚信~。”
(Translation: "Having thick virtue and faith...")
6. 名词 石桥。
(English: Noun: stone bridge.)
Source: 《玉篇.石部》:「矼,石桥也。」
(Translation: "矼 means stone bridge.")
Example: 宋.欧阳修〈庐山高赠同年刘凝之归南康〉诗:「水声聒聒乱人语,六月飞雪洒石矼。」
(Translation: "The sound of water drowns the human voice, as June snow falls on the stone bridge.")