碼 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 碼
Stroke Order Diagrams for 碼
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 碼
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 碼
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "碼" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "碼" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 碼
a weight / number / yard / pile / stack
碼 mǎ
名詞 (Noun)
1. 碼碯 (亦作“瑪瑙”。一種似玉而次於玉的寶石) [En. agate]
2. 表示數目的符號 [En. a sign indicating number]
例如: 數碼,頁碼; 暗碼; 明碼; 號碼; 密碼; 價碼 (For example: digital number, page number; password; code number; priced code)
3. 計算數目的用具 [En. a thing indicating number]
例如: 籌碼,砝碼; 碼目 (猶數目); 碼錢 (賭博時用以代現金的籌碼); 碼洋 (舊時指商品上標的有折扣的定價) (For example: chips, weights; counting items; gaming chips; discounted products)
4. 英制長度單位,美製碼等於0.9144米,在英國,則1碼等於保存在威斯敏斯特商務部標準局的青銅棒兩個金塞子上橫線標記之間的距離 (在62°F時) [En. yard (abbreviated yd)]
5. 指壘成的堆。相當於垛 [En. pile]
例如: 碼頭 (船隻停泊處; 指交通便利的商業城市; 舊指流氓活動霸佔的地盤) (For example: dock, a place for ships to berth)
量詞 (Measure word)
1. 用於事情 [En. used for matters]
例如: 兩碼事; 這是一碼事 (For example: two matters; this is a matter)
2. 被壘成堆的東西的數量 [En. the quantity of things stacked up]
例如: 一碼柴禾 (For example: a stack of firewood)
動詞 (Verb)
1. 〈方〉∶壘起; 通常指整齊地堆積或摞起 [En. stack]
例如: 碼磚; 碼積木 (For example: stack bricks; stack blocks)
2. 撂下不管 [En. cast aside; give up]
引用: 1 《兒女英雄傳》:照市井上外話說,這就叫“把朋友碼在那兒”了。 [Quote: In the words of the market, this is called “leaving the friend there.”]
例如: 碼下 (撂下; 擱在一旁不管) (For example: cast aside; left unattended)