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穾 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 穾

穾 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 穾

穾 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 穾

Pinyin yào
9 strokes
穾: 1. Structurally deep. 结构深邃的。 2. Mysteriously deep. 幽深。 3. Metaphorically refers to the profound realm of cultivation or knowledge. 喻修养或学问的高深境界。 4. An ancient term, similar to "窔", meaning the southeastern corner of a room. 古同“窔”,室中东南角。 5. Good. 好。 6. Onomatopoeic word, describing the sound of the wind. 象声词,形容风声。 7. (As cited from the traditional dictionary explanation) (*引自繁体辞典解释) 名词: 1. The southeastern corner of a room. "窔,室中之东南隅谓之窔。或作穾。" "守穾奥之荧烛,未卬天庭而睹白日也。" It is the same as "窔". 屋室的东南隅。《集韵·去声·啸韵》:「窔,室中之东南隅谓之窔。或作穾。」《汉书·卷一○○·叙传上》:「守穾奥之荧烛,未卬天庭而睹白日也。」同「窔 」。 2. A secret and deep place. "累台增成,岩穾洞房。" 隐密幽深的地方。《史记·卷一一七·司马相如列传》 :「累台增成,岩穾洞房。」
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