繐 [suì]
1. 同“穗”。
(Same as "穗".)
2. 细而稀疏的麻布。古时多用作丧服
(Fine textured cloth. In ancient times, it was often used as mourning clothing.)
1. 《说文》:繐,细疏布也。从糹,惠声。
(From "Shuowen": 繐 is a fine, sparse cloth, composed of the character 糹, indicative of silk-like texture.)
2. 《礼记·檀弓》:繐衰繐裳。又,请繐衰而环緻。 注:“繐衰,小功之缕,而四升半之衰。”
(From "The Book of Rites": 繐 mourning clothing, 和 समारोह. Note: "繐衰" refers to small fine threads, measuring four and a half units in length.)
3. 《仪礼·士冠礼》:不屦繐屦。
(From "The Rituals of the Zhou Dynasty": "Do not wear 繐 shoes".)
4. 《荀子·礼论》:菲繐。
(From "Xunzi": Simple 繐.)
又如: 繐裳(细疏麻布丧服); 繐帷(繐帐。用细疏麻布缝成的灵帐)
(Example: 繐 clothing (fine sparse cloth for mourning); 繐 canopy (a mourning tent made of fine sparse cloth).)
3. 用同穗。用丝线等结扎成的穗状下垂的装饰品
(Tassel - a decorative item made from silk threads tied in a tassel shape.)
1. 曹禺《北京人》:橙黄的繐子仍旧沉沉地垂下来。
(From "Beijingers" by Cao Yu: The orange-yellow tassels still hung heavily down.)