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纊 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 纊

纊 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 纊

纊 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 纊

Pinyin kuàng
20 strokes
纊 (kuàng) 1. Silk floss; the soft, fluffy fiber from silk. 絲綿絮。《說文•糸部》:“纊,絮也。”《小爾雅•廣服》:“纊,緜也。絮之細者曰纊。” 2. Silkworm cocoon. 蠶繭。《淮南子•繆稱》:“小人在上位,如寢關曝纊。” 3. Used synonymously with "曠" meaning wide or broad. 用同“曠”。寬廣。唐陳諫《心印銘》:“心遷境遷,心纊境纊。” 4. A measure word for silk, specifically eight strands of silk. 量詞。絲八十縷。《玉篇•糸部》:“纊,八十縷也。” Usage examples: 1. "厥篚纖纊" (referring to placing new silk floss in a bamboo basket for tribute); 2. "纊衣" (fluffy silk clothing); 3. "纊息" (the breath of someone near death, where silk floss was placed over their mouth and nose to check for breath); 4. "纊絮" (cotton or silk fluff).
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