Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "罷", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "罷", and master the standard way of writing the character "罷".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 罷
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "罷" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
to stop / cease / dismiss / suspend / to quit / to finish, (final part.)
1. Stop; rest. (停,歇)
Examples: 罷休 (stop and rest), 罷工 (stop work), 罷課 (suspend classes), 罷市 (halt trading), 罷論 (cancel plans), 罷筆 (stop writing).
2. Dismiss; relieve. (免去,解除)
Examples: 罷免 (dismiss), 罷官 (dismiss from office), 罷職 (relieve from position), 罷黜 (dismiss from power).
3. Finish; complete. (完了,畢)
Examples: 吃罷飯 (finish eating).
4. Dismiss from office (同本义).
5. Send back. (遣返,遣歸)
Example: 罷散 (dismiss).
6. Stop; cease. (停止)
Examples: 罷兵 (stop war), 罷手 (stop; cease), 罷業 (stop business; go on strike), 罷戰 (stop fighting).
7. Finish. (完畢)
Examples: 吃罷了飯 (finished eating).
8. Abolish; cancel. (廢除; 取消)
Examples: 罷棄 (abolish), 罷廢 (discard).
9. Return. (歸,返回)
Example: 罷出 (exit).
10. Express disappointment or anger, often used in repetition. (表示失望、憤恨,常疊用)
Example: 罷!罷! (Enough! This kind of daughter-in-law will ruin the family).
11. Same as 吧. (同“ 吧 ”)
Used at the end of a sentence, similar to "ba."
12. Same as 疲; weary. (古同“ 疲 ”,累)
Adjective: Tired, exhausted. Commonly used as "疲".
Example: 兵革不休,士民罷敝 (the soldiers did not rest; the people are weary).