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羣 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 羣

羣 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 羣

羣 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 羣

Pinyin qún
13 strokes
Definition of 「羣」: 1. A collective formed by animals such as livestock gathering together. - 獸畜等動物相聚而成的集體。 2. Peers or companions. - 朋輩。 3. Types or categories of things. - 事物的種類。 4. To come together; to unite. - 會合,聯合。 5. A group or social collective. - 集團,社會集體。 6. To reconcile or be on good terms. - 和好。 7. To follow customs. - 隨俗。 8. Generally refers to the majority; specifically refers to people. - 泛指多數。①指人。 9. Numerous or many. - 眾多。 10. Relatives or kin. - 親戚。 11. A geological term; the largest local stratigraphic unit, variable in scope, usually equivalent to a formation or series, or larger than a series. It contains rock layers that differ in composition and have great thickness. - 地質學名詞。最大的地方性地層單位。範圍不定,通常相當於一個統或一個系,或者比系更大。所包含的岩層,組分不同,而且厚度很大。 12. A measure word used for a group of people or things that gather together. - 量詞。用於聚集在一起的人或物。
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