耎 [ruǎn]
1. The front of the object is larger than the back.
2. Weak, in contrast to "strong."
3. Ancient same as "soft."
4. To retreat.
耎 [ruǎn]
1. Weak; feeble.
2. Soft, in contrast to "hard."
1. From "广韵": 耎, weak.
2. From "汉书·司马迁传": Even though I am cowardly and weak, I just want to survive. The ancient commentary said: "耎 means soft and weak."
3. From "汉书·王尊传": Being weak and incapable led to dismissal.
4. From "战国策·楚策一": The Zheng and Wei are weak states of Chu.
1. From "玉篇": 耎 means soft.
2. From "汉书·司马迁传": With the soft and delicate body, endure the painstaking toil. The ancient commentary said: "耎 means soft."
古同“懦”: Ancient same as "cowardly."