胾 [zì]
1. 切成大块的肉。
(English: big piece of meat)
1. 《说文》:胾,大脔也。从肉。
(Translation: "Shuowen Jiezi": Zì, meaning large piece of meat, derives from the character for meat.)
2. 《诗·鲁颂·閟宫》:毛炰胾羹,笾豆大房。
(Translation: "The Book of Songs - Lu Song - Bi Gong": "Hairy roasted meat soup, large bowls and beans.")
3. 《礼记·曲礼》:左殽右胾。 注:“殽,骨体也;胾,切肉也。殽在俎,胾在豆。”
(Translation: "The Book of Rites - Qu Li": "On the left is the bone meat, on the right is the cut meat." Note: "Bone meat refers to the meat with bones; cut meat refers to sliced meat. Bone is placed on the cutting board, cut meat is in the bowl.")
4. 《管子·弟子职》:羹胾中别。
(Translation: "Guanzi - Disciple's Duties": "Distinguish between soup and meat.")
5. 《仪礼·士虞礼》:胾四豆。
(Translation: "The Book of Rites - Rituals of the Gentlemen": "Four bowls of meat.")
6. 《史记·绛侯周勃世家》:召条侯,赐食,独置大胾。
(Translation: "Records of the Grand Historian - The Family of Zhanghou Zhou Bo": "Summoned the Marquis Tiao, and granted food, solely placing a large piece of meat.")