臞 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 臞
Stroke Order Diagrams for 臞
Information of 臞
癯 qú
1. 消瘦 (thin)
- 【引】《说文》:臞,少肉也。从肉,瞿声。字亦作癯。
- 【引】《尔雅·释言》:臞,瘠也。
- 【引】《史记·司马相如传》:形容甚臞。
2. 集解:“瘦也。”
- 【引】《史记·安陆昭王碑文》:癯瘠改貌。
3. 如:
- 臞小 (thin and small)
- 臞仙 (historically refers to an elderly person who is thin but spirited)
- 臞然 (thin appearance)
- 臞瘠 (still weak)
- 臞儒 (a thin scholar, implying a hermit-like existence)
1. Thin.
2. To consume; to reduce.