蕣 (shùn)
1. Refers to "木槿" (Mujin), a type of shrub.
- Meaning: A shrub that blooms in summer, opening early and falling late, only flourishing for a moment. ([En.] shrubalthea)
引 (References)
1. From "说文": 蕣, 木堇. Flowers that bloom in the morning and fall in the evening. Composed of grass and the sound of shùn.
2. From "诗·郑风·有女同车": "Her face is like the flower of the shrub."
3. From Guo Pu's "游仙诗": "The flower of the shrub does not last long; can the mayfly see the evening?"
例 (Examples)
- 蕣华: The flower of the shrub (blooms in the morning and withers by evening).
- 蕣荣: The flower of the shrub.
- 蕣颜: A face like the flower of the shrub, often used to metaphorically refer to fleeting beauty.