薀 [wēn]
1. **Meaning**: 通「 蘊 」。積聚。
**English**: Same as "蕴". To accumulate.
2. **Meaning**: 通「 蘊 」。茂盛。
**English**: Same as "蕴". To flourish.
3. **Meaning**: 習。
**English**: To practice or become accustomed to.
**Verb**: 聚积。
**Definition**: "薀" means to store, accumulate, gather, or keep.
**Example**: 《玉篇.艹部》:「薀,藏也,积也,聚也,蓄也。」
**Translation**: "薀" means to hide, accumulate, gather, and store.
**Example**: 《左传.襄公十一年》:「凡我同盟,毋薀年,毋壅利。」
**Translation**: "For all my allies, do not accumulate years, do not obstruct benefits."
**Commentary**: 晋.杜预.注:「薀积年谷,而不分灾。」
**Translation**: "To accumulate grains over the years without differentiating calamities."
**Meaning**: 水草名。
**English**: Name of water plants.
**Noun**: [名]
1. **Meaning**: 水生的杂草 ([En.] waterweeds)
2. **Note**: 另見 yùn
**Historical Reference**:
1. 《广韵·魂韵》:薀,薀藻,节中生叶。
**Translation**: "薀 refers to aquatic grasses, which grow leaves at the joints."
2. 《左传·隐公六年》:芟夷薀崇之。
**Translation**: "To cut down the tall aquatic plants."