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虀 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 虀

虀 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 虀

虀 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 虀

22 strokes
虀 1. Same as "齏". 同“齏”。 "Crab 虀, after removing its shell, cook it until it resembles 虀." 《釋名•釋飲食》: “蟹虀,去其匡虀,熟之,令如虀也。” 2. Noun meaning spicy food or chopped vegetables used for seasoning. Same as "齑". 名词,用来调味的辛辣食物或菜末。同「齑」。 "In the historical text, it says: 'There are vendors selling pancakes with garlic and 虀 by the roadside; if you take three liters of it to drink, your illness will surely be cured.'" 《三国志.卷二九.魏书.方技传.华佗传》:「向来道边有卖饼家蒜虀大酢,从取三升饮之,病自当去。」 3. Noun referring to finely chopped pickles or preserved vegetables. 名词,细切的咸菜、酱菜。 "If you look for something convenient in between, a jug of turbid wine and a meal of 虀." 《警世通言.卷二六.唐解元一笑姻缘》:「若向其间寻稳便,一壶浊酒一餐虀。」
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