裻 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 裻
Stroke Order Diagrams for 裻
Information of 裻
1. 衣背缝。
- Clothing seam on the back.
2. 衣背缝:“王梦衣偏~之衣,乘飞龙上天,不至而坠。”
- Clothing seam on the back: "Wang Mengyi secretly wore the garment with the back seam, riding the flying dragon to the sky, but did not arrive and fell."
3. (*引自繁体辞典解释)
- (*Quoted from traditional dictionary explanation)
4. 〈名〉
- (Noun)
5. 衣被接縫處。《說文解字·衣部》:「裻,背縫。」
- The seam where clothing is stitched together. "Shuowen Jiezi·Clothing Section": "裻 refers to the back seam."
6. 《國語·晉語一》:“是故使申生伐東山,衣之偏裻之衣,佩之以金玦。”
- "Thus, Shensheng is sent to attack Dongshan, wearing the garment with the back seam and adorning himself with gold rings."