1. 衣袖。
- Clothing sleeve.
2. 同“怀”。怀藏;怀抱。
- Same as "怀" (huái). To conceal; to embrace.
Further details:
1. 衣袖。《説文•衣部》:“褢,袖也。”
- Clothing sleeve. "Sayings of Ancient Texts: Clothing Section" states: "褢, the sleeve."
2. 同“怀”。怀藏;怀抱。《説文•衣部》:“褢,藏也。”《玉篇•衣部》:“褢,苞也,胷䘳藏物也,抱也。在衣曰褢,在手曰握。”
- Same as "怀." To conceal; to embrace. "Sayings of Ancient Texts: Clothing Section" states: "褢, to conceal." "Jade Articles: Clothing Section" notes: "褢, to wrap; it holds objects in the chest, it also means to embrace. In clothing it is called 褢, in the hand it is called 握."