Definition of 「訆」:
1. Same as "叫" (jiào). To call out loudly.
- 同“ 叫 ”。大声呼叫。《山海經•北山經》:“(灌題之山)有獸焉,其狀如牛而白尾,其音如訆,名曰那父。” (In the "Classic of Mountains and Seas, Northern Mountains," it says: "There is a beast there, its shape is like that of a cow with a white tail, its sound is like '訆', and it is called 'Na Fu'.")
2. To cry out or make a sound.
- 鸣叫。《廣雅•释詁二》:“訆,鳴也。” (In "Guangya, Explanation 2": “訆 means to make a sound.”)
3. To speak falsely or without basis.
- 妄言。《玉篇•言部》:“訆,妄言也。” (In "Yupian, Language Section": “訆 means to speak falsely.”)