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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "論" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
the Analects (of Confucius), by the / per / discuss / theory / to talk (about) / to discuss
論 lùn
1. 分析,说明事理。
Analyze and explain matters.
2. 衡量;评定。
Weigh; assess.
3. 定罪。
Pass judgment.
4. 推知。
5. 陈述;叙说。
State; narrate.
6. 顾及;考虑。
Consider; take into account.
7. 凭借;倚仗。
Rely on; lean on.
8. 依据,按照。
According to; based on.
9. 言论;主张;学说。
Speech; opinion; theory.
10. 一种以议论为主的文体,即议论文。
A type of writing that focuses on argumentation, known as argumentative essay.
11. 释迦弟子解释经义、论辩法相的书籍,同“经”、“律”合称为“三藏”。
Books that explain the principles and debates by the disciples of Shakyamuni, collectively known as the "Tripitaka."
12. 古气球名。一种运动用具。
Ancient term for a type of balloon; a sports apparatus.
13. 姓。
A surname.
14. 议论,分析和说明事理。
Discuss; talk about matters.
15. 思;思考。
Think; ponder.
16. 研究。
Research; study.
17. 通“掄”。选择。
Equivalent to "lūn." Select.
18. 通“伦”。伦理。
Equivalent to "lún." Ethics; moral principles.
19. 《论语》的简称。
The abbreviation for the Analects of Confucius.
In summary:
- Basic meanings include analyze, measure, discuss, judge, mention, consider, research, and rely on.
- Refers to theories, arguments, ethics, and is also used in literary forms like argumentative essays.
- Function as both a verb and a noun, exhibiting a range of uses in discussions, studies, and philosophical inquiries.