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蹐 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 蹐

蹐 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 蹐

蹐 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 蹐

17 strokes
蹐 [jí] 1. 后脚紧跟着前脚,用极小的步子走路。 (Walk in small pace; the back foot closely follows the front foot while walking with very small steps.) 2. 局促。 (Feel or show constraint.) 【本义】: 走小碎步,即后脚尖紧接着前脚跟。 (Original meaning: To walk in small, quick steps, where the tip of the back foot closely follows the heel of the front foot.) 【造字法】: 形声。从足,脊声。从“足”,表示与行有关。 (Character formation: Phono-semantic compound; the left part "足" indicates a relation to walking.) 引: 1. 《诗·小雅·正月》:谓地盖厚,不敢不蹐。 (In "The Book of Songs, Lesser Odes, January": Referring to the ground being thick, one dares not walk without caution.) 例: 如: 蹐蹐驰(小步急行); 蹐地跼天(谨慎小心,颇为恐惧的样子); 蹐步(小步); 蹐蹐(行走不稳便). (Examples: Walking hurriedly with small steps; cautiously looking down while being fearful; taking small steps; stepping unsteadily.) 局促: 如: 蹐滞(局促板滞); 蹐跼(局促); 蹐促(局促不安). (Examples: Feeling stiff and constrained; feeling constrained; feeling restless and constrained.)
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