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闬 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 闬

闬 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 闬

闬 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 闬

Pinyin hàn、 bì
6 strokes
闬: 1. 里巷的门,又泛指门。 (The gate of a lane, also generally refers to a door.) 2. 防备。 (To guard against.) 3. 乡里。 (Village.) 4. 墙垣。 (Wall or fence.) --- 闬 hàn 名词 (Noun) 1. 闾里的门;巷门 ([En.] the gate of a lane) 引用: 岑参《陪狄员外早秋登府西楼》: 里闬盘二江。 (Quote: Cen Can, "Accompanying Di Yuanwai on the Early Autumn Ascent of the West Tower", relating to the lane gate.) 2. 门 ([En.] gate) 例子: 如:闬闳 (Example: 如: 闬闳) 3. 墙垣 ([En.] wall or fence) 引用: 《文选·张衡·西京赋》: 闬庭诡异,门千户万。 (Quote: "Selected Works of Literature, Zhang Heng, "West Capital Ode", mentioning the strange walls and numerous gates.) 4. 乡里 ([En.] village) 例子: 如: 同闬 (Example: 如: 同闬) --- 古同“闭” (Anciently the same as "to close.")
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